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StylingResponsive Styles

Responsive Styles

Box component support responsive styles for all layout related props.


Minimum width

var(--ax-screens-sm) /* 37.5rem (600px) */
var(--ax-screens-md) /* 56.25rem (900px) */


Object notation

Use the object prop notation where the key is the breakpoint name.

import { Flex } from "@optiaxiom/react"; export function App() { return <Flex flexDirection={{ base: "column", sm: "row" }}>...</Flex>; }

Array notation

Use the array prop notation with the elements in order of condition [base, sm, md].

import { Flex } from "@optiaxiom/react"; export function App() { return <Flex flexDirection={["column", "row"]}>...</Flex>; }


import beach from "@/demos/beach.jpg"; import { Box, Flex, Text } from "@optiaxiom/react"; import Image from "next/image"; export function App() { return ( <Box bg="bg.default" maxW={["sm", "lg"]} overflow="hidden" rounded="sm" shadow="sm" > <Flex alignItems="start" flexDirection={["column", "row"]} gap="0"> <Box asChild h="auto" maxW="full"> <Image alt="brown glass bottle beside white book on blue and white textile" src={beach} style={{ minWidth: "0" }} /> </Box> <Box p="16"> <Text color="fg.error" fontWeight="600" textTransform="uppercase"> Phasellus auctor </Text> <Text fontSize="lg" fontWeight="700" my="8"> Nullam rhoncus gravida urna </Text> <Text> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet conse ctetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus efficitur feugiat luctus et. </Text> </Box> </Flex> </Box> ); }
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