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Multi-line text field for capturing user input.



import type { ComponentPropsWithoutRef } from "react"; import { Field, Textarea } from "@optiaxiom/react"; export function App({ description, error, label = "Input label", required = false, }: Pick< ComponentPropsWithoutRef<typeof Field>, "description" | "error" | "label" | "required" >) { return ( <Field description={description} error={error} label={label} required={required} > <Textarea placeholder="Enter text..." /> </Field> ); }

Error state

Enable the error prop to display the error state of the text field.

import { Textarea } from "@optiaxiom/react"; export function App() { return <Textarea defaultValue="Some invalid value" error />; }

Disabled state

Enable the disabled prop to toggle the disabled state of the text field.

import { Textarea } from "@optiaxiom/react"; export function App() { return <Textarea defaultValue="Some disabled value" disabled />; }

Read-only state

Enable the readOnly prop to display the read-only state of the text field.

import { Textarea } from "@optiaxiom/react"; export function App() { return <Textarea defaultValue="Some read-only value" readOnly />; }


Fixed size

By default Textarea does not allow resizing and you can use the rows prop to set the size.

import { Textarea } from "@optiaxiom/react"; export function App() { return <Textarea placeholder="Enter text..." rows={2} />; }

Auto sizing

Use resize=auto prop to automatically resize the textarea as the value changes.

import { Textarea } from "@optiaxiom/react"; export function App() { return <Textarea placeholder="Enter text..." resize="auto" />; }

You can use the maxRows and rows props to limit the textarea size.

import { Textarea } from "@optiaxiom/react"; export function App() { return ( <Textarea maxRows={3} placeholder="Enter text..." resize="auto" rows={1} /> ); }

Manual sizing

Use the resize=vertical prop to allow users to manually resize the textarea.

You can use rows prop to set the initial size of the textarea.

import { Textarea } from "@optiaxiom/react"; export function App() { return <Textarea placeholder="Enter text..." resize="vertical" />; }

Reset sizing

Use the resize=none prop to disallow resizing the textarea.

You can use rows prop to set the size of the textarea.

import { Textarea } from "@optiaxiom/react"; export function App() { return <Textarea placeholder="Enter text..." resize="none" rows={2} />; }


Top and bottom addons

Use the addonBefore and addonAfter prop to add icons, text, or any other element to the start or end of the text field.

import { Button, Flex, Textarea, Tooltip } from "@optiaxiom/react"; import { IconArrowUp, IconAt, IconMoodSmile, IconPhoto, } from "@tabler/icons-react"; export function App() { return ( <Textarea addonAfter={ <Flex borderT="1" flexDirection="row" gap="4" p="4"> <Tooltip content="Add emoji"> <Button appearance="subtle" icon={<IconMoodSmile />} size="sm" /> </Tooltip> <Tooltip content="Add mention"> <Button appearance="subtle" icon={<IconAt />} size="sm" /> </Tooltip> <Tooltip content="Upload images"> <Button appearance="subtle" icon={<IconPhoto />} size="sm" /> </Tooltip> <Tooltip content="Submit"> <Button appearance="primary" icon={<IconArrowUp />} ml="auto" size="sm" /> </Tooltip> </Flex> } placeholder="Add a comment" w="224" /> ); }

Handling addon clicks

Use the addonPointerEvents prop to control whether clicking blank spaces in the addons focuses the input or not.

import type { ComponentPropsWithoutRef } from "react"; import { Button, Flex, Textarea, Tooltip } from "@optiaxiom/react"; import { IconArrowUp, IconAt, IconMoodSmile, IconPhoto, } from "@tabler/icons-react"; export function App({ addonPointerEvents = "none", }: Pick<ComponentPropsWithoutRef<typeof Textarea>, "addonPointerEvents">) { return ( <Textarea addonAfter={ <Flex flexDirection="row" gap="4" p="4"> <Tooltip content="Add emoji"> <Button appearance="subtle" icon={<IconMoodSmile />} size="sm" /> </Tooltip> <Tooltip content="Add mention"> <Button appearance="subtle" icon={<IconAt />} size="sm" /> </Tooltip> <Tooltip content="Upload images"> <Button appearance="subtle" icon={<IconPhoto />} size="sm" /> </Tooltip> <Tooltip content="Submit"> <Button appearance="primary" icon={<IconArrowUp />} ml="auto" size="sm" /> </Tooltip> </Flex> } addonPointerEvents={addonPointerEvents} placeholder="Add a comment" w="224" /> ); }



Basic text field for capturing user input.



Supports all Box props in addition to its own. Renders a <div> element but forwards all props to an inner <textarea> element.







When this prop is set to none clicking empty space inside the addon will focus the input box.

"none" | "auto"


Change the default rendered element for the one passed as a child, merging their props and behavior.

Read the Composition guide for more details.

false | true




Whether the input is disabled.

false | true


Whether to show the input error state.

false | true


Limits the height of the textarea when resize=auto is used.

1 | 2 | 4 | 5 | 3


"none" | "auto" | "vertical"



  • Added component
Last updated on