is the base component for all our other components and provides a convenient way to use our design tokens and set element styles without having to write any custom CSS.
Using design tokens
import { Box } from "@optiaxiom/react";
export function App() {
return (
<Box bg="bg.information.subtle" m="24" p="24" rounded="sm">
This is a Box
component uses the Radix Composition approach and accepts an asChild
prop. By default it renders a <div>
element but when asChild
is enabled it will forward all of its own props to its child and only render the child element instead.
import { Box } from "@optiaxiom/react";
import { useState } from "react";
export function App() {
const [isHovered, setIsHovered] = useState(false);
return (
onMouseEnter={() => setIsHovered(true)}
onMouseLeave={() => setIsHovered(false)}
<span>I am a span {isHovered && "hovered"}</span>
We export a BoxProps
generic type that can be used to define prop types for components that extend Box
The first argument is the element or component type which defaults to div
The second argument is any additional custom prop types that component accepts.
import { Box, type BoxProps, extractBoxProps } from "@optiaxiom/react";
import { forwardRef } from "react";
type ButtonProps = BoxProps<"button", { icon?: string }>;
export const Button = forwardRef<HTMLButtonElement, ButtonProps>(
({ children, icon, ...props }, ref) => {
const { boxProps, restProps } = extractBoxProps(props);
return (
<Box asChild {...boxProps}>
<button ref={ref} {...restProps}>
Button.displayName = "@optiaxiom/docs/Button";
Use Flex component to stack items vertically or horizontally.
Use Grid component to place items in a grid using equal width columns.
Display body or any other form of text. By default it outputs the <p> paragraph element.
Renders a <div>
Prop |
alignItems Set the element’s
alignSelf Set the element’s
animation Animate element with CSS animations
asChild Change the default rendered element for the one passed as a child, merging their props and behavior. Read the Composition guide for more details.
bg Set the element’s background color
border Set the element’s
borderB Set the element’s
borderColor Set the element’s
borderL Set the element’s
borderR Set the element’s
borderT Set the element’s
color Set the element’s text color
cursor Set the element’s
display Set the element’s
empty Toggle element visibility based on
flex Set the element’s
flexDirection Set the element’s
flexWrap Set the element’s
fontFamily Set the element’s font family
fontSize Set the element’s
fontWeight Set the element’s
gap Set the element’s
gridColumn Set the element’s size across grid columns
gridTemplateColumns Control number of columns in a grid layout
h Set the element’s height
justifyContent Set the element’s
justifyItems Set the element’s
m Set the element’s margin on all sides
maxH Set the element’s max-height
maxW Set the element’s max-width
mb Set the element’s bottom margin
ml Set the element’s left margin
mr Set the element’s right margin
mt Set the element’s top margin
mx Set the element’s left and right margin
my Set the element’s top and bottom margin
objectFit Set the element’s
overflow Set the element’s
overflowX Set the element’s
overflowY Set the element’s
p Set the element’s padding on all sides
pb Set the element’s bottom padding
pl Set the element’s left padding
placeItems Set the element’s
pointerEvents Set the element’s
pr Set the element’s right padding
pt Set the element’s top padding
px Set the element’s left and right padding
py Set the element’s top and bottom padding
rounded Set the element’s border radius on all corners
shadow Set the element’s box shadow
size Set the element’s width and height
textAlign Set the element’s
textTransform Set the element’s
transition Control which CSS properties should transition
w Set the element’s width
whiteSpace Set the element’s
z Set the element’s stack order
- Added component